Raffles are held three evenings a week at East Maitland Bowling Club
Thursdays - drawn 6.15pm (tickets on sale from 5pm)
Fridays – drawn 6.15pm (tickets on sale from 5pm)
Sundays – drawn 6.15pm (tickets on sale from 5pm)
Raffles are held two evenings a week at Easts Leisure & Golf
Wednesdays – drawn 6.30pm (tickets on sale from 5.30pm)
Fridays – drawn 7pm (tickets on sale from 6pm)
For every $1 or more that you spend on raffle tickets, you will receive the same value of raffle tickets FREE
(e.g. buy $10 worth get $10 FREE)
Prizes include: meat vouchers, fuel vouchers, dining vouchers and Wish Cards.
Easter Raffles